Allied Woodshop Open To Residents!

As California moves into Stage 2, we are happy to announce that we've reopened our doors to shop residents. Our residents make up the core of Allied Woodshop's community, so we are glad to see them able to return to work, with safety protocols and cleaning measures in place.

woodshop residents at their benches standing 6 feet apart holding tape measures

In order to keep everyone safe, we've implemented physical distancing and mask wearing in the shop. Most importantly, we are keeping up with cleaning and sanitizing protocols twice a day. 

cleaning and sanitizing supplies and checklist, including bleach wipes, hand sanitizer and gloves

A big thank you to everyone who has held their registration with us, purchased Woodworking Bucks, or signed up for a class. You keep us going!

We have one more Quarantine Woodshop in store for you, and we hope to keep you updated with what our residents are working on and how we're navigating these waters as a small business.

We're feeling hopeful and as always, the shop is beautiful. We can't wait to be able to host classes again! When the time comes, for our residents and all of you, we want to make sure we're doing it safely.

Resident Kirtan Tom looks out the window from her bench, steam bending lamp overhead

Until then, stay safe LA.

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